Saturday, March 30, 2013


Welcome to my first blog, and please welcome my mom who is joining the Church tonight at the Easter Vigil! I have been praying for her conversion since I entered the Church myself, 3 years ago. For that reason, I have gotten/made her 3 presents, one for each year I've been praying for her. The first present I got her was a crucifix from Jerusalem (she was raised Jewish, and her patron saint is Edith Stein, a Jewish convert who was killed by the Nazi's). The second present I got for her was a holy water font for her house that has a picture of the Eucharist on it, and the third (and final) present, was a chapel veil that I made for her to wear at Easter Vigil (and afterwards, of course).

This is "Chocolate Chip" (10), modeling the veil for me!
I think it came out really well, and am considering starting a veil-making business because of it! Here are a couple of close-up pictures:
This is the side view, to show the border better.

Here's a picture to show the embellishment on the back.
I can't wait to see my mom recieve her first Holy Communion tonight, while wearing it!
As for me, like I mentioned, I am a convert to the Faith. I am married to a very nice man, who is technically Christian, but not Catholic (yet). I have two daughters, "Chocolate Chip" (10), and "Emma" (4 1/2). I look forward to sharing stories, and all kinds of fun things with you!

 If you want to buy a veil, I just set up this PayPal account. To start off with, I'm just offering the basic triangular chapel veil. However, if you want another shape, or a different color than those listed below, just let me know. I'm sure I can come up with something.



  1. Welcome HOME to your mom and wow---what an amazing idea you had --a gift for each year you prayed for her. What a wonderful daughter you are. I love the veils!!!!!! and the wee "model"

  2. Thanks! I had actually had the crucifix bought and stored since the year after I came into the Church, and the second time she did RCIA (she went to about the last half of mine, when I told her what I was doing). And yes, my model was very excited too. She came to the Easter Vigil with us. The other one stayed home with Daddy.
